
tammany FIELDS tammanykfields@hotmail.com
to me
Thanks so much for sharing your blog! how awesome. I lives there too. I lived on Nolandale in the corner house and before that on Maplegrove Hill. I went to Sunkist and I so recall Food King and the little toy shop. I loved watching cakes being made in the big window and the Tamales being sold in the parking lot. Zodys too! We moved to Pasadena in 1973 summertime. Funny, I recall my 1st grade teacher Mrs. Escarcega and I know the name of my 2nd. grade teacher Mrs. Carlson but, I recall nothing about her other than that. and then there was the worst teacher ever who haunts me to this day. Mrs. Hogstead. Do you remember Taxco Mexican Restaurant? they had the Atomic Bomb Burrito ands if you could eat the whole thing you got it for free.

Sincerely, Tammany Pearson Fields